London MCM Expo - October 2015

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DoctorWhoOne's avatar
Portrait by DoctorWhoOne Hey all.

Back in April 2015, I said in a Journal called 'london MCM Expo - May - October 2015' . . . .

With London MCM Expo coming up in a few weeks time next month from Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th May 2015, I've decided to just announce now that I shall not be attending Expo this year.

I did say after October 2014's epic Expo that I would no doubt decide to take a year off here in 2015 after going every single May and October since I began attending with my younger sister and friends of ours back in May 2011 without taking a break from it all, so now, after 4 years of Expo attending so far, I feel I'll give this year London MCM Expo events a miss.

Well . . . . . . . I've had a long hard thought about this . . . . . . . and I have decided that I shall attend this coming October 2015's London MCM Expo event . . . . . . . ALL - 3 - DAYS - OF - IT ! ! ! Woohooooo! Woohooooo! Woohooooo!

The reason mostly why I have had a change of heart about attending Expo this year after not attending May 2015's event is that at times, since the sad passing of a family friend and a family relative back in February 2015, I have been experiencing bouts of depression every once in a while, naturally coming to terms with losing both a family friend and a family member who both died a week apart, so I feel that I want to attend this coming October Expo because being among what I like to call 'my kinda people' being fellow Sci-Fi and Fantasy fan's, or fandom's in general at such a fantastic event, will really be good for me I feel, especially to be among friends as well, both ones I know personally and any good friends I have made here on Deviant Art who I have met in person at Expo in recent years, and plus, I feel my late family friend and family relative would want me to be happy attending an event that has brought a lot of joy to my life when Expo comes around twice a year Nod Nod

I have no idea if any of the people who I know on this site who's icon's are featured here if they will be attending or not, but it will be great to see them at the event if any of them are attending this coming October.

:iconking-kacchan: :icongagaalienqueen: :iconfirestar-kelman: :icondestinyblue:  :iconthehollster: :iconm4x1ll10n: :iconpuddingvalkyrie: :iconfroodals: :iconcosmicstarangel: :iconneonpuppets: :iconamphyrainbows: :iconcosplayer4lyf: :iconemmadenise: :icontimey-wimey-detector: :iconretrotrooper: :iconlulu-ace-attorney: :icontatteredangel::iconhollitaima: :iconatreius-lux:

I did say once thou after attending Expo on all 3 days before one time ago that I would never do a 3 day Expo event ever again, and my sister Katrina :iconlondonexpofan: also said the same thing once too, but she herself is doing all 3 days this time, so I might as well too, after all, why should I let my little sis have more Expo fun then me ? ! :D

So yeah, I shall be attending all 3 days of the London MCM Expo on Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th October 2015, and there won't be any backing out now from me or my sister cos we've just paid our £50 weekend priority entry tickets online and we wouldn't want to blow £50 each not attending now would we  . . oh no we wouldn't ;)

If you are attending London MCM Expo this coming October 2015 and if you know me from this site, then if you see me, don't be shy to say hello. It would be great to meet some old friends from this site, and maybe meet some new ones from this site too Nod


  Me at London MCM Expo, Sunday 26th October 2014 by DoctorWhoOne See you there !!TARDIS - white 

JASON :icondoctorwhoone:
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TheHollster's avatar
I may be going in May next year :) (At least I think the summer one is May)